Monday, October 31, 2011

It's October~
My birthday month~
My sis said october was her lucky month, and yes, when you believe something deeply, it will always become a truth~ she got her promotion as Senior in her company with a shorter period of probation, and as well as salary increment that she never expected. Happy for her~
but for me, october is not my lucky month, obviously~ haha....

this year, been thru so many things.... learnt to be more self protective... learnt to put down something that not belong to me.... learnt to have a better life....

many many things that cannot recall back in a short time... but for sure, now i feel that putting much personal feelings in working environment.. it will just slow down the growing process.... not only to personal, it's also the same to the company....

although i m just an employee... a typical and powerless employee.. but i always do hope the best for the company... and we work the best for company's future... not sure how much the management level can see, but we done our part, and probably the best from us... do hope that they see what we sacrifice for our job~ and pray for the best for our company~

Live simpler, life happier~

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