Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dear, i don't know why i have such a feeling...
but i really feel like i have been apart from my matter is friends from cochrane or friends from UPM or friends from Sam Yoke or PESS....
i feel like heart broken, i should not become so weak and so easy to feel sad because of friends....
but why...this is not the 1st time....
just now when i was looking at friend's friendster photos, tat time oni i realized how dull my life is...
work, work work and work...
no entertainment, no time for me 2 gather with friends.... maybe i shld nt say tat i dun hav time, is friends that dun wanna invite me? or i reali dun hav tat much of frens?
feeling very very down!!!!
any1 can help me?
any1 knows my feeling?
y frens all away from me?
or maybe i shld feel lucky? yday when i asked CY come 2 yamcha with me, yes, i still hav a good fren like her which wil come find me whenever i need her 2 come....
maybe i shldn't be so greedy..maybe i m asking for too much...
sorry dear....i have promised you tat i wil oni write happiness in this blog...
but reali sorry dear...i cannot keep the sadness all in my heart...
not to make u feel sorry for me... not to make any1 changes for me...
is it my problem? m i the 1 make all frens away from me?
what shld i do? God, please tell me....

0 BobDogs: